MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Prediction-based control of linear systems by compensating input-dependent input-delay of integral-type

Authors: D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit, in Advances in Delays and Dynamics pp. 79-93, Karafyllis, I., Malisoff, M., Mazenc, F., Pierdomenico, P. eds, Springer 2015
This study addresses the problem of delay compensation via a predictor- based output feedback for a class of linear systems subject to input delay which itself depends on the input. The equation defining the delay is implicit and involves past values of the input through an integral relation, the kernel of which is a polynomial function of the input. This modeling represents systems where transport phenomena take place at the inlet of a system involving a nonlinearity, which frequently occurs in the processing industry. The conditions of asymptotic stabilization require the magnitude of the feedback gain to comply with the initial conditions. Arguments for the proof of this novel result include general Halanay inequalities for delay differential equations and take advantage of recent advances in backstepping techniques for uncertain or varying delay systems.
author = {D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit},
title = {Prediction-based control of linear systems by compensating input-dependent input-delay of integral-type},
booktitle = {Recent results on nonlinear delay control systems},
editor = {Karafyllis, I., Malisoff, M., Mazenc, F., Pierdomenico, P.},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {},
pages = {79-93},
year = {2015},
abstract = {This study addresses the problem of delay compensation via a predictor- based output feedback for a class of linear systems subject to input delay which itself depends on the input. The equation defining the delay is implicit and involves past values of the input through an integral relation, the kernel of which is a polynomial function of the input. This modeling represents systems where transport phenomena take place at the inlet of a system involving a nonlinearity, which frequently occurs in the processing industry. The conditions of asymptotic stabilization require the magnitude of the feedback gain to comply with the initial conditions. Arguments for the proof of this novel result include general Halanay inequalities for delay differential equations and take advantage of recent advances in backstepping techniques for uncertain or varying delay systems.},
keywords = {}}